Friday, February 7, 2014

friday's five.

you have no idea how good it feels to hear the word friday. can i get an amen?


this one definitely goes out to my ballantyne r&r monday extravaganza. follow how my day went there if you didn't catch it earlier in the week. 

warning! it will make you want to go book your own. 


the timehop app.

this app takes you back in time – 1 year, 2 years, 3 years – even maybe 7 years – to what you did on facebook/twitter/instagram on today’s date however many years ago. 

sometimes it’s a blessing because you can see old pictures with friends and events you went to or the dumb, funny thing you tweeted. sometimes it’s a curse because it shows you old pictures you wanted to forget or ugly outfits you still question why you thought that was a good idea.

like yesterday’s was a picture of danielle, one of my best friends, and her sister morgan and i before going to the eric church show three years ago. it was before eric was even big! i remember knowing like one song and now i’m biting at the bit for his album to be released this month.

and sometimes, what you did one year ago will be the exact same thing you do one year later. something’s don’t change, y’all. that was tweet worthy. 


yesterday, i was sick. hell, today i still am kinda sick, but not sick enough to miss work. you know how THAT goes. but yesterday, i was thankful and happy for my francesca.

you see, franny isn’t mine or lee’s. the other guy we live with, jared, is who she belongs to. however, that doesn’t stop me from wishing she was and i’m more and more tempted to stuff her in my bag and ride off into the sunset. {just kidding, jared.} but anyway, we all hang out with her/play with her/feed her and lee and i take care of her when jared goes out of town. so i’ll be happy with calling myself her aunt.

it’s like franny knew i wasn’t feeling well and she didn’t leave my side all day. i love the love of a dog. hug your doggie extra hard today!


date night. these are my fav.

last night, lee and i went to carrabba’s for dinner. i know it’s a chain, but hey they have some damn good food. after dinner, we lit some candles, turned on some music in the background, poured two glasses of champagne and just talked.

why yes, mine is slightly fuller. 

it was so relaxing. surprise your man with a nice dinner and a sweet night together. he will love it.


the fact that it is finally friday is enough on it’s own for number five. but because that’s boring, i did want to share with y’all two things i bought yesterday at ulta.

i broke down and got urban decay’s naked 3! i still have half of the colors from my naked 2, but i am in love with these rose neutrals in the 3.

i also got tarte’s park avenue princess bronzer. this stuff is the bomb!  my katie, over at champagne and suitcases, recommended it for me and i will never buy another kind. thanks katie!

any other makeup products you use that you love? i’m open to all suggestions.
