Tuesday, April 29, 2014

#trendingtuesday - a new link-up announcement!

i am so very excited to announce my first link-up that i'll be cohosting alongside of kristina at Medicine & Manicures, katie at Champagne& Suitcases, and zelle at Southern Style!  we hope that you join us every week to chat about the latest hot topic.

Want to join in on the fun? You can link-up on any of our four blogs every tuesday! all you have to do is...

1) write your post about something you've noticed is trending, whether it be a pair of shoes on your wish-list, a new song or tv show you're into, or something news or sports related.
2)  share the logo blow my name on your blog and link back.
3)  link-up at the bottom of the post so some new readers can check out your topic & say hi!

it starts next tuesday and we all look forward to reading your #trendingtuesday topics!

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