Wednesday, July 2, 2014

pumping out 115 before pumpkin season.

is it cheesy? probably.
i've been a solid worker-outer for going on two and a half weeks strong (yes, i know that's not a lot), but trust me i still have my weak moments. i literally just ate a donut from dunkin donuts. but seriously, when coworkers bring in donuts, it's almost rude not to eat one, right? plus it's almost vacation time and calories don't count when you're on vacay.
in college, i lived with a girl named kellie. she's on the right, i'm on the left, and our other roommate, katie, is in the middle. don't laugh at our christmas outfits. or do. my onesie is pretty embarassing.

recently we have reconnected as i noticed her amazing progress with working out and eating healthy. i find it amazing how when i reach out to people and ask "how did you do it?" that the answer is always the same. eating better & moving more.
kellie set a goal to run 100 miles before the fourth of july and is on her way to accomplishing it! she asked me to join in with her for 115 miles before halloween.
i can't lie, i'm nervous. we're starting the monday after the 4th, which equals to about 17 weeks until october 31; a friday this year. it averages out to at least 6 miles a week, which is perfect for someone like me who is getting into being a runner, but also managing a busy social schedule. it's completely doable and i'm glad i'm not going to die. we may add more miles to this but refuse to take away.
another app i have been using is the my fitness pal app. they have every food on this living earth. and if they don't, you can use the scan bar to locate it. and if that doesn't work, you can add calories on your own to make sure it's accurate.
this was a day i jogged after work. don't judge my 12 minute mile. you can log your exercise and "gives you" back calories to spend. my goal is set for 1,400 a day on average to lose about 1-1.5 lbs a week.

and this day was when i didn't feel like working out and had an angry orchard beer instead. hey, priorties. i logged the whole beer, but didn't finish it as 210 cals is a lot to swallow. literally. 1,400 calories flies by throughout the day, so i've found when i work out, i feel a lot better about my eating choices. the app is free and something i've been obsessed with keeping up with!
here's to pumping out 115 miles before pumpkin season! if you want to join in, i would absolutely love it. i may come to you guys time to time for encouragment because right now i think running is stupid. i hope my mind changes about that come next monday.

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