Wednesday, July 23, 2014

sipping saturday success.

coming from someone who dabbles into wine frequently, i wanted to walk you through my sippin' saturday. i didn't call it sippin' saturday on saturday; i'm not that creative. it just came to mind when writing this post.
i've now decided that sippin' saturday needs to happen more often.
i talked about my weekend earlier this week, but left out saturday for a purpose. since lee was out of town in chicago, a girlfriend of mine, amanda, asked me if i wanted to get brunch & check out this awesome wine-tasting place with her. she didn't have to twist my arm hard.
we started out at toast of dilworth {which if you haven't been here, hit it up the next time you feel like brunchin'}. it's one of the best brunch places i have found in charlotte. half of the city seems to think so because it's always packed. i ordered a cup of coffee, which comes in a super home-y feeling mug with the country egg speciality {an open faced biscuit, two eggs to order, sausage gravy, country ham, breakfast potatoes & more calories than i wanted to count.}

if we did nothing but just eat there for brunch, saturday would be complete. but then again, it couldn't be called sippin' saturday. amanda's fiance, jj, drove us over to winestore in the south park area.
they were having a game that featured 12 of their wines on tap; (on tap, people!!!) - 4 whites & 8 reds, hidden by tin foil so you couldn't see the brand or type. we were given a piece of paper to guess the prices out of a column for how much you thought each wine was per bottle. get it right & the bottle was 15% off.  

you were given a debit-like card where you preload cash to use within the wine taps. we shared a card for $20 as it covered all 12 tasting wines for two (1 oz. per pour) + a few extra of our favorites. the second wine was a sauvignon blanc & because that's my favorite wine, i called it right off the bat. blind taste testing can't distract me from my sauvy!

out of all 12, i guessed 2 of the prices correctly. some that i thought were $45 bottles of wine were like $14. guess that just means i need to experiment with more, right? {insert any reason to drink wine}

speaking of reasons to have wine, winestore has a few. my favorite is the very last. 

we picked out some of our favorites to purchase, and one of the bottles in the store had a maker's mark feel. i thought this was so cool/hoped there was no wax in the wine. ga-ross.

amanda and i spent another hour browsing the shops as all the little boutiques had complimentary wine as you shopped. seriously, has there been a cooler invention? jj came back to pick us up & meet drew, lee's brother, for some take out food, mario kart, & to try the wines we picked out. we're old enough to drink wine, but still are ten years old.

videogames are cool; i don't care who you are.

i'll call that sippin' saturday success. anybody for a round two?
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