Monday, July 28, 2014

six at the sea + giveaway.

the clock struck noon and we were seaside bound on friday. the only thing my mind could think of was all the lyrics to jake owen's beachin'.

our friend taylor opened up her 4 bedroom beach house at sunset beach to us and another couple. how sweet was that right? i owe you one (or five), tay. 

a low country boil + good people + a sunset on the beach + card games. there are not many other things that could top that. i'll quit jabbering because we all know pictures tell the story.

saturday was the day i decided to be super smart. why you ask? by not using sunscreen. i tan really easy, i said. it will be fine, i said, as every one else is slathering on layers upon layers of that spf 30. i have my floppy hat plus it's kinda cloudy out there. it's totally fine.... or i thought.

granted, all of the above actually are true. although i didn't get fried into lobster perfection like our buddy, JJ - but i am slightly peeling already. i'm going to blame it on the last time we took on the beach. 

yes. that's watermelon. genius? like, why didn't i think of that? salt + watermelon + tequila. that's like the margarita world aligning perfectly. 

the best thing about heading down to a beach house is no 11am check out time. we woke up around 10am, lee & taylor cooked up a fabulous brunch for us before heading out to toast our skin some more. in case you're wondering, i wore sunscreen on sunday. spf 50 to be exact.

a store blew in for all of 2 minutes with about 8 drops of rain, but it left a really scary cool sky. slightly instagram filtered a bit, but hey - is a picture even a picture if it's not instagrammed? don't think so. 

how was your weekend? 

in case it wasn't as cool as mine, myself + a couple of other awesome bloggers have teamed up to bring you this awesome giveaway. after all the beachin', drinkin' & eatin' i have done this past weekend, i'd lurve some of that cash in my pocket. wouldn't you?

so go ahead & enter, we have a ton of pretty cool ladies for you to check out. 

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linking up with biana meghan for weekending.