Monday, October 27, 2014

the time we went all over north carolina.

well that pretty much sums up my life lately, so if you want the short version, you can stop reading here. 

although, please don't. 

i have mentioned before that we have something to do every weekend from now until december 13th. i haven't mentioned that we're dummies for being that booked. BUT, being a planner at heart, i secretly love it. so let's get started on what the heck we've been up to.

to start, last wednesday we had our engagement pictures and i am slowly dying every day until i see them. our wonderful photographer promised a sneak peek this week and i am pretty much refreshing his instagram until lee and i pop up. i have this thing called wedding brain and i can't shake it!

i got my hair done at blo out in charlotte and had the best experience. however after getting my make up done at sephora, i went home and washed every bit of it off. my lady had black eyes, and lipstick all over her teeth. i'm sorry but if you can't do your own makeup, how am i supposed to trust you with mine!?

i had to learn the ins and outs of makeup asap that day. stay tuned for more pictures of our engagement session!

yes. i am not so sure i'll ever eat a burger with bread again. these are mushroom cap burgers and i swear to you - the consistency is basically that of bread! lee made these amazing teriyaki burgers the other night and since i've got to fit my butt in a wedding gown in 3/4ths of a year, i am trying to shy around bread and carbs. 

this is a win in my book. i'm already craving another. i am the worst dieter.

apologies for that one crappy iphone selfie pic, but this past friday i traveled back to greensboro, nc to see a good college friend of mine, katie. and little did i know - i would get to text adam & jimmy - two of my guy friends from college - and they met up with us. and no greensboro trip is set without seeing my girl, sara. later that night, we all went back to their amazing city apartment to hang out and catch up late night and it was so fun! 

pretty much like a flashback to college! i hadn't been out in greensboro since i left about two and a half years ago. i literally moved and never looked back. but it was so nice to see people i used to hang out with everyday. 

continuing the "tour de amanda's friends," as lee liked to call this past weekend, we headed to raleigh on saturday morning to see one of my bridesmaids! taylor and her husband, dustin, housed us for the night as we got to have afternoon beers at lynnwood grille, dinner at boylan's brewery, and finished the night at raleigh times. 

taylor cooked us all breakfast the next morning and shared with me her perfect recipe for a homemade PSL - y'all. i may never go back to starbucks again! 

we ended the weekend with both heartbreaking losses by the panthers AND green bay - but in two weeks we will be headed up to green bay for the chicago bears game! lee is a die hard fan & i surprised him with tickets for his birthday. 

can i get fiance of the year? 

and we can't forget today - october 27th - when my other girl taylor released 1989. i am so obsessed with her new sound and cannot wait for the tour.

....and i fantasize about meeting her all the time. 

God, how weird am i? 

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