Tuesday, December 9, 2014

watch out pocahontas.

just call me pocahontas. although i'm not sure it got down to chilly temperatures in the movie, but if it did, this is what she'd wear. the aztec/tribal print look has really grown on me; especially for fall clothing. 

you know those snuggie commercials where the person in the advertisement looks the most snuggly of a person you've ever seen? that's what this riviera cardigan from avery lane boutique does except way more cute than a silly snuggie. and because i'm into pairing literally everything with this striped turtleneck, (including this!) i like how this turned out as well with a little dash of fringe booties. pocahontas, do you like?

avery lane posts new arrivals on their instagram and i just saw they're carrying another trend that's skyrocketed - sequined leggings. how perfect would that be for a holiday party? 

speaking of holiday parties... lee and i are hosting one this weekend! and i need suggestions for your tried & true finger food-like recipes. holla atcha girl?

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