Monday, February 9, 2015

the weekend when we did kid things and adult things.

i don't necessarily consider it the weekend until it's 5:30 on friday. so this picture is a little premature below, but if you do something stupid, you need to embarrass yourself so you don't do it again. 

running out the door in the mornings with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in a regular mug without a top is easily the best way to hit a bump in the road and spill it on yourself. i really need to invest in to-go mugs, but hey i'm trying to furnish a house here. will i learn?

friday after work, i made chicken carbonera with zoodles. i know it's not the most glamorous shot, but come back this week when you can see what this mess is all about. i promise it's amazing.

and now you think you've warped into a 5 year old's blog with mario kart on your screen. but no, it was just a little beer olympics that lee and i played on friday night. we started with a foot race upstairs, running down stairs to the office where we had to sink three cups, followed by running to the bonus room where we had to take a shot of cilantro vodka (do not ever do this.) and make a foosball goal. 

the last stop was to grab your n64 controller in a final race. whoever crossed the finish line won. and can you guess who did? your girl. 

sometimes these chill nights in our home doing fun child-like games are my favorite.

and then saturday, we got up pretty early, hung around the house for a bit before venturing out to at home for more house goodies. 

our living room has massive built-in bookshelves surrounding the mantle and our mounted tv. these things are gigantic! staying with a cocoa, navy, and creme theme, we picked up more little decor and trinkets to fill these with. i'm no where near done (because i totally have 4 other shelves to fill), but this is a start.

we are blessed with a pretty large master bathroom and i was looking for a perfect little sized chest to sit in this awkward angle near the door. i saw this, fell in love, bought it, only to bring it home and realize it's not the color i want. 

please tell me this happens to you, because lee is giving me evil eyes. after comparing it to our bathroom, i will need something more stark white or i may even opt for a light gray. 

and see that fence looking thing? gah, it's just so different it had to be mine! currently looking for somewhere to hang this baby to house my necklaces. 

and then there's this. that stares me in the face everyday. my old couch from years ago and lee's old brown rug from even more years ago that's unraveling at the seams. we have a very open layout in our living room, so now i need to find a u shaped couch to fit this space & a bold printed rug. any ideas of great places to look for rugs?

and saturday night, we simply had a few friends over. this picture below obviously isn't from last night, but it's a good one of us all. and considering i was in a hoodie, no makeup, and my hair in a ponytail, you'd much rather look at this one.

sunday was lazy as usual. i drank my morning coffee and laughed at my fiance who likes to play videogames from 1980 on my old half inflated exercise ball in our bonus room. 

the weather in north carolina has been unreal for february - as in 60 degrees! - so we took some time to venture out to buy groceries for the week also. when you eat mostly vegetables, you live in the grocery store! 

here's to monday and my new blog design that i did myself. and no, i still don't understand html. thank goodness for google.

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linking up with:
B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for weekending
Bella and the City for weekend  recap
A Cute Angle for monday madness